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History of typewriter

By eragon_shadeslayer [Current version]

4 years ago Version 1 Initial version of typewriter
4 years ago eragon_shadeslayer commented: hmmm i finished up typewriter but i got this exact message. line None: unknown error
4 years ago chris commented: Hi, sorry... my phone's battery is not good and it suddenly died. I found the problem though: Look at lines 22 and 24. They have a random + at the end, so the program is expecting something else to add to the expression.
4 years ago eragon_shadeslayer commented: k
4 years ago chris commented: That fixes it. I still don't understand why it should be saying "Line None" though. I made a small example of the problem (Mystery error), and I filed an error on the Unfold Studio project. Sorry for the trouble!
4 years ago eragon_shadeslayer commented: it's ok. So i just need to track wherever it is on my game story?
4 years ago chris commented: I'll have a look at HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM and see if I can figure that out.
4 years ago chris commented: Yeah, until I figure out why the error message is failing and fix it :/
4 years ago chris commented: I'd suggest saving versions from time to time, and generally saving code frequently is a good idea so if you accidentally add a bug you know where it came from :)