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By eragon_shadeslayer [Current version]

4 years ago eragon_shadeslayer commented: Hey chris can u help me
4 years ago eragon_shadeslayer commented: i need to see how to make something work only when ur at a certain level.
4 years ago eragon_shadeslayer commented: I rlly need it for my tech story thing
4 years ago eragon_shadeslayer commented: It will be like a choice that u can see and it says what you need to click it once you click it and when your like level 10 it works
4 years ago eragon_shadeslayer commented: but they need to be able to see the option before they can get it
4 years ago eragon_shadeslayer commented: hmmmmm
4 years ago eragon_shadeslayer commented: would making level 10 a VAR work?
4 years ago eragon_shadeslayer commented: I already have a level variable
4 years ago eragon_shadeslayer commented: wait no that wouldnt work
4 years ago eragon_shadeslayer commented: How do you get things at certain levels?
4 years ago eragon_shadeslayer commented: and also how do you use choice count?
4 years ago eragon_shadeslayer commented: like maybe there would be a choice that makes you level up and choice count would keep track of how many times you click it and when you click it ten times you would be level ten which would make you able to click the new option.
4 years ago eragon_shadeslayer commented: Also i wanted storage to have a maximum and minimum but if with every item i take i gain 1 storage and i get to max storage how does game know to stop giving those items. EXAMPLE i have max ten storage. i have 9 apples so am using 9 storage. i gain 1 apple so i have max storage and 10 apples. If i gain another apple will i have max storage and 11 apples?
4 years ago eragon_shadeslayer commented: hmmm the VAR you put in beginning doesnt change. when you get +1 and -1
4 years ago eragon_shadeslayer commented: See story 8646 which is labeled SSSSSSSSSSSSSTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTOOOOOOOOOOORRRRRRRRRRRRRRYYYYYYYYYYYY and youll see what i mean.
4 years ago Version 2 I added a bunch of variables that you will be able to notice when i update this a bit more. I will add more and already have a list at hand. Soon there will be storage as soon as i can figure that out. I want you to only be able to train at a certain level and for there to be materials needed to train that you can buy at store once you raise enough money. Maybe you can unlock training after you kill your first beast. Hopefully this will work out because I have a lot planned for store, storage (how much you can hold), and weapons and adventure. You will notice that this game has a sort of affinity to lemons and you will see why eventually but i dont want to spoil my plans. Good luck, ik that this story isnt very good yet but i think it will be my best story if things work out. Plz think of things to add , everyone who follows me, and Louis, DONT SAY ANYTHING ABOUT LEMONS BECAUSE YOU CAN EASILY FIGURE OUT WHAT IT IS AND I DONT WANT YOU TO SPOIL IY
4 years ago eragon_shadeslayer commented: I think that a way to fix the thing that even after you get + or- a VAR you still have what you had in the beginning is allowing us to use += when we do the variables EXAMPLE normally if u started with 5 apples and got another 3, in that line it would show the number 8 when you do this {apples}.BUT next option you choose if it tells you how many apples you have it'll still say 5. for better understanding visit story 8646
4 years ago eragon_shadeslayer commented: since i have done literally a*ll the work +and Cade is playing and we havent finished i guess ill just take all the credit.
4 years ago eragon_shadeslayer commented: I worked for hours yesterday on my story (yes it is no longer mine and cades) but lost everything because i pressed share and didnt press save first and then i worked until 11:00 at night.
4 years ago eragon_shadeslayer commented: When you press share you should automatically save it
4 years ago eragon_shadeslayer commented: hey chris sry i know taht this might be hard but is there a way we can make a bank?
4 years ago eragon_shadeslayer commented: To see what currency we would use go to this story and look at about.
4 years ago eragon_shadeslayer commented: I want to be able to exchange some of those for others like 5 BukTugs in a Skult or something like that. i need this so that if someone has 5 buktugs but not a skult still be able to then they would be able to still buy something for a skult
4 years ago eragon_shadeslayer commented: Or maybe they dont need to exchange anything at all instead when something says it costs 1 skult and you dont have a skult it will automatically go to buktugs and see if you have enough and if you do it takes away five buktugs and you get your thing.
4 years ago eragon_shadeslayer commented: the only problem is the mix of different currencies could add up together example 1 dime 1 nickel and ten pennies fr a quarter
4 years ago eragon_shadeslayer commented: AHA!
4 years ago eragon_shadeslayer commented: We should just do that with everything
4 years ago eragon_shadeslayer commented: 5 comments above this one the one that starts with i want. maybe if we DONT have enough buktugs then it automatically goes to the one below buktug and sees if you have enough of those for another buktug but lets say we have three buktugs we need five for a skult and we have enough things lower than buktug to get 4 buk tugs but not 5 buktugs then it doesnt convert the lower things to buk tug and keep it like that. instead everything is normal.
4 years ago eragon_shadeslayer commented: what i mean is that people wouldnt notice the conversions except for the fact that you didnt have enough but you still got it and that the lower things were partly gone so they easily realize that a conversion happened but they cant see the conversion. what i want is NOT you now have 4 buk tugs and less lower things, it IS that automatic conversion happens not only when you can convert but when you can convert AND you have enough money after conversion
4 years ago eragon_shadeslayer commented: i think a way to do that is to somehow tell the computer that the var skult is worth 5 buktugs
4 years ago eragon_shadeslayer commented: thats only to convert though and two comments ago i explained the rules i wanted but this is much too complicated for me.
4 years ago eragon_shadeslayer commented: nooooooooooooooooooo i just lost another hour of work because i pressed history without saving
4 years ago eragon_shadeslayer commented: You should REALLY make it so that it automatically saves WHENEVER you go out of the page. just do whatever games that do that do.